By | December 11, 2023

Uganda Joint Admissions Board (JAB)

The Joint Admissions Board (JAB) has finalized the admissions of students in Public and Other Tertiary Intuitions for the 2024-2025 academic year. Thirty-eight (38) Public Other Tertiary Institutions participated and admitted students to various National diploma programmes which include among others Business,
Agriculture, Forestry, Technical and Health related courses. The list is ready on
the notice boards and MoES website.

See Also:

JAB Admission To Other Tertiary Institutions In Uganda

Lira University JAB Application Forms

UNEB Jab Forms pdf Download

For emphasis, lists can be viewed from the following:
1) Notice board in the basement at Legacy Towers, Kyadondo Road-Kampala, Ministry of Education and Sports
2) Ministry of Education and Sports Website:
3) Notice Boards of Public and Other Tertiary Institutions
N.B: Students must pick their admission letters from the admitting Institutions/
The Minister of State for Higher Education Hon. Dr. John C. Muyingo during the opening session of the 34th Joint Admissions Board selection meeting declared the reporting dates for the first-year students in Public Other Tertiary Institutions as

  1. Health Training Institutions as of 14th August 2024
  2. TVET Institutions as 04th September 2024
    Commissioner Admissions Scholarships and Student Affairs.


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