By | December 18, 2023

Admission into National Diploma and Certificate Courses in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Institutions for the Academic Year 2024/25

Applications are invited from interested persons for admission to National Diploma OR National Certificate OR Uganda Community Polytechnic Certificates courses available in TVET Institutions for both Government and Private Sponsorship. The selection exercise is scheduled for December 2024.


  1. Central – Ntinda Vocational Training Institute in Kampala Capital City.
  2. Eastern – St. Kizito Technical Institute, Madera in Soroti City.
  3. Northern – UTC- Lira in Lira City.
  4. South Western – Nyamitanga Technical Institute in Mbarara City.
  5. Western region – UTC – Kichwamba in Fort Portal City.


National Diplomas

Interested applicants with appropriate subjects at UACE/Competences, National Certificate in the related field or its equivalents, Craft 11 Certificate, Degree Holders of related courses in need of practical skills, Recognition of prior relevant skills, knowledge and attitude equivalent to National certificate holders or UACE, Valid Identification Card.

National Certificates

Interested S.4 certificate holders, Certificate holders of UJTC, Uganda Community Polytechnic Certificate (UCPC), Recognition of prior relevant skills/Training equivalent/ or above to UJTC/UCPC or UCE holder, Graduates of any general courses in need of skills, Valid Identification Card.

Uganda Community Polytechnic Certificate

Any interested Ugandan, P.7 certificate holders regardless of the scores, Recognition/Assessment of prior relevant skills, Recognition of Literacy/Arithmetic/ICT and or any Basic Vocational skill, Valid Identification Card/ Letter from Local Council.


  • Deadline of submission 2nd December 2024.Physical Interviews for National Diploma (ND) 2nd, 3rd, and 6th December 2024, Photocopies of pass Slips, certificates, and a recent passport-size photograph should be attached to the filled application form and returned to any of the mentioned regional selection centres or government TVET institutions. Return completed application forms with original documents in person to the nearest regional selection center. Those who applied through JAB may also re-apply.
  • For more information, contact; The Commissioner TVET Operations and Management, Ministry of Education and Sports, Legacy Towers 3rd Floor Wing B, Kyandondo Road, Kampala- Uganda