By | December 14, 2023

Makerere University Undergraduate Programmes

Makerere University offers several Bachelors Degree Programmes. They are listed below under their respective academic units.

Makerere University Undergraduate Courses

1. College Of Agricultural And Environmental Sciences (CAES)

Day Programmes

AGR – Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture

FST – Bachelor Of Science In Food Science And Technology

AGE – Bachelor Of Science In Agricultural Engineering

BAR – Bachelor Of Agricultural And Rural Innovation

BAM – Bachelor Of Science In Agricultural Land Use And Management

HOT – Bachelor Of Science In Horticulture

AGM – Bachelor Of Agribusiness Management

HUN – Bachelor Of Science In Human Nutrition

BVS – Bachelor Of Environmental Science

FOR – Bachelor Of Conservation Forestry & Products Technology

BCF – Bachelor Of Social & Enterpreneural Forestry

Evening Programmes

BAE – Bachelor Of Science In Agricultural Land Use And Management

  1. College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS)
    Day Programmes

ECO – Bachelor Of Arts In Economics

DEC – Bachelor Of Arts In Development Economics

COE – Bachelor Of Commerce

ADM – Bachelor Of Business Administration

STA – Bachelor Of Statistics

BQE – Bachelor Of Science In Quantitative Economics

BPS – Bachelor Of Science In Population Studies

SAS – Bachelor Of Science In Actuarial Science

BBS – Bachelor Of Science In Business Statistics

  1. College of Computing and Information Sciences (CoCIS)
    CSC – Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science

BIT – Bachelor Of Information Technology

ILD – Bachelor Of Information System

BSW – Bachelor Of Science In Software Engineering

DCS – Diploma In Computer Science And Information Technology

LIS – Bachelor Of Library And Information Science

BRA – Bachelor Of Records And Archives Management

ARM – Diploma In Archives And Records Management

  1. College Of Education And External Studies (CEES)
    EDA – Bachelor Of Arts With Education

EDS – Bachelor Of Science With Education

BAC – Bachelor Of Adult And Community Education

External Programmes

Bachelor of Commerce (External)

SCX – Bachelor Of Science

  1. College Of Engineering, Design, Art And Technology (CEDAT)
    Day Programmes

CIV – Bachelor Of Science In Civil Engineering

ELE – Bachelor Of Science In Electrical Engineering

MEC – Bachelor Of Science In Mechanical Engineering

SUR – Bachelor Of Science In Surveying

ARC – Bachelor Of Architecture

SQS – Bachelor Of Science In Quantity Surveying

SLE – Bachelor Of Science In Land Economics

SCM – Bachelor Of Science In Construction Management

STE – Bachelor Of Science In Telecommunications Engineering

CMP – Bachelor Of Science In Computer Engineering

CSD – Diploma In Civil Engineering Surveying

FIN – Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts

Parallel Programmes
(Classes Are Conducted Both During The Day And In The Afternoon)

CIA – Bachelor Of Science In Civil Engineering

ELA – Bachelor Of Science In Electrical Engineering

MEA – Bachelor Of Science In Mechanical Engineering

SUA – Bachelor Of Science In Surveying

ARA – Bachelor Of Architecture

SQA – Bachelor Of Science In Quantity Surveying

SLA – Bachelor Of Science In Land Economics

SCA – Bachelor Of Science In Construction Management

CME – Bachelor Of Science In Computer Engineering

STM – Bachelor Of Science In Telecommunications Engineering

CSS – Diploma In Civil Engineering Surveying

  1. College of Health Sciences (CHS)
    PHA -Bachelor of Pharmacy (4 Years)

MAM -Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (5 Years)

BDS – Bachelor of Dental Surgery (5 Years)

NUR – Bachelor of Science in Nursing (4 Years)

BMR – Bachelor of Science in Medical Radiography (4 Years)

BEH – Bachelor of Environmental Health Science (3 Years)

BSL -Bachelor of Science in Speech and Language Therapy (3 Years)

BDT -Bachelor of Science in Dental Technology (3 Years)

BSB -Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences (3 Years)

BBI -Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering (4 Years)

BYT -Bachelor of Cytotechnology (3 Years)

BPT -Bachelor of Optometry (4 Years)

  1. College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS)
    (a) Day Programmes

SOC -Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration (3 Years)

ASS -Bachelor of Arts (Social Sciences) (3 Years)

BJC -Bachelor of Journalism and Communication (4 Years)

ARS – Bachelor of Arts (Arts) (3 Years)

DVS – Bachelor of Development Studies (3 Years)

MUS -Bachelor of Arts in Music (3 Years)

BDF – Bachelor of Arts in Drama and Film (3 Years)

BCO – Bachelor of Community Psychology (3 Years)

BIP -Bachelor of Industrial and Organisational Psychology (3 Years)

EHR -Bachelor of Arts in Ethics and Human Rights (3 Years)

DPA -Diploma in Performing Arts (2 Years)

(b) Evening Programme

ASE -Bachelor of Arts (Social Sciences) (3 Years)

BJE -Bachelor of Journalism and Communication (4 Years)

ARE -Bachelor of Arts (Arts) (3 Years)

DVE -Bachelor of Development Studies (3 Years)

BEP -Bachelor of Community Psychology (3 Years)

BOP -Bachelor of Industrial and Organisational Psychology (3 Years)

EHE -Bachelor of Arts in Ethics and Human Rights (3 Years)

8.College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS)
(a) Day Programmes

BIC -Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry (3 Years )

BFS -Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Aquaculture (3 Years)

BSP -Bachelor of Sports Science (3 Years )

SCB -Bachelor of Science – BIOLOGICAL (3 Years )

SCP -Bachelor of Science – PHYSICAL (3 Years )

SEC -Bachelor of Science – ECONOMICS (3 Years )

BPG -Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Geoscience & Production (4 Years)

BCB -Bachelor of Science in Conservation Biology (3 Years )

ETB -Bachelor of Science in Ethnobotany (3 Years )

BBT -Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology (3 Years)

  1. College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity (CoVAB)
    (a) Day Programmes

VET -Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (5 Years)

WHM -Bachelor of Science In Wildlife Health and Management (3 Years)

MLT -Bachelor of Biomedical Laboratory Technology (3 Years)

BAP -Bachelor of Animal Production Technology and Management (3 Years)

DLP -Diploma in Livestock Product Development & Entrepreneurship 2 Years

DLH -Diploma in Livestock Health Sciences (2 Years)

(b) Evening Programme

BLT -Bachelor of Biomedical Laboratory Technology (3 Years)

(c) AFRISA – SPEDA – CoVAB Programmes (Evening)

AFT -Bachelor of Science in Poultry Industry and Business (3 Years)

ADI -Bachelor of Science in Dairy Industry and Business (3 Years)

AFI -Bachelor of Science in Feed Industry and Business (3 Years)

API -Bachelor of Science in Pig Industry and Business (3 Years)

AFL -Bachelor of Science in Leather Industry and Business (3 Years)

ABK -Bachelor of Science in Bee Industry and Business (3 Years)

AFM -Bachelor of Science in Meat Industry and Business (3 Years)

AFS -Bachelor of Science in Laboratory Science Education and Industry (3 Years)

AFM -Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Animal Industry and Business (3 Years)

DFT -Diploma in Poultry Industry and Business (2 Years)

DDI -Diploma in Dairy Industry and Business (2 Years)

DFI -Diploma in Feed Industry and Business (2 Years)

DFF -Diploma in Fish Industry and Business (2 Years)

DPI -Diploma in Pig Industry and Business (2 Years)

DFL -Diploma in Leather Industry and Business (2 Years)

DBK -Diploma in Bee Industry and Business (2 Years)

DFM -Diploma in Meat Industry and Business (2 Years)

DRI -Diploma in Pet & Recreational Industry and Business (2 Years)

DFS -Diploma in Laboratory Science Education and Industry (2 Years)

School of Law (SoL)
LAW – Bachelor of Laws (4 Years)
Off Campuses
1) JINJA Campus
Day and Evening Programmes

CSJ -Bachelor Science in Computer Science (3 Years)

BIJ -Bachelor of Information Technology (3 Years)

DVJ -Bachelor of Development Studies (3 Years)

BTJ -Bachelor of Tourism (3 Years)

ADJ -Bachelor of Business Administration (3 Years)

COJ -Bachelor of Commerce (3 Years)

ECJ -Bachelor of Arts in Economics (3 Years)

DEJ -Bachelor of Arts in Development Economics (3 Years)

DPJ -Diploma in Project Planning Management (2 Years)

  1. FORT PORTAL Campus
    (a) Day Programmes

ADF -Bachelor of Business Administration (3 Years)

COF -Bachelor of Commerce (3 Years)

DVF -Bachelor of Development Studies (3 Years)

BIF -Bachelor of Information Technology (3 Years)

DPF -Diploma in Project Planning Management (2 Years)