By | January 22, 2024

International University of East Africa IUEA Grading System

International University of East Africa IUEA Grading System – see details below:

1.0: Grading of Modules
a.Each module shall be graded out of a maximum of 100 marks and assigned appropriate letter grades and grade points as below:
% Marks Letter Grade Point (GP)
80 – 100 A 5.0
75 – 79.9 B + 4.5
70 – 74.9 B 4.0
65 – 69.9 B – 3.5
60 – 64.9 C + 3.0
55 – 59.9 C 2.5
50 – 54.9 C – 2.0
45 – 49.9 D + 1.5
40 – 44.9 D 1.0
35 – 39.9 D – 0.5
Below 35 E 0.0
a.The pass grade point for each module is 2.0.

1.1: Progression

Progression through the programme shall be assessed as follows:
a.Normal progress (NP) in which a student passes each module taken with a minimum grade point of 2.0;
b.Probationary progress (PP) which is a warning stage and occurs if a student:
i.fails a core module, or
ii.Obtains a CGPA of less than 2.0.
Probation is removed when the conditions above no longer hold;
a.Discontinuation from the programme if a student:
i.fails a module three times; or
ii.has a CGPA of less than 2.0 for three consecutive semesters; or
iii.Is involved in examination malpractices.

1.2: Retaking a Module

A student may retake any module of the programme when it is offered again to:
a.pass it if the student had failed before;
b.Improve the grade if the first pass grade was low.

1.3: Classification

The Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering shall be classified according to the CGPA obtained up to the end of the programme as follows:
Class CGPA
First Honours 4.40 – 5.00
Second Honours Upper Division 3.60 – 4.39
Second Honours Lower Division 2.80 – 3.59
Pass 2.00 – 2.79
The CGPA shall be obtained by:
a.multiplying the grade point (GP) obtained by the credit units assigned to the module to arrive at the weighted score for the module;
b.Adding together the weighted scores for all modules taken up to the time;
c.Dividing the total weighted score by the total number of credit units taken up to the time.

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