How To Register A Tour Company In Uganda

How To Register A Tour Company In Uganda

A Tour Company is a company that makes arrangements for travel and places to stay, often selling these together as package holidays

How To Register A Tour Company In Uganda?

In this article, tries to answer the question by publishing the requirements needed to register a Tour Company in Uganda

Below are the requirements needed to register a Tour Company in Uganda


a. Registration

  • Certificate of incorporation from URSB
  • TIN Number
  • Annual Performance Report number of tourists handled, sources of tourists, places visited by tourists, average duration of stay

b. Location

  • Office must be easily accessible i.e. with clear plot number, clear name of the street
  • Office must be clean and attractive i.e. visibly tidy and uncongested
  • A clearly visible signpost or office label

Availability of basic ICT appliances e.g. Internet, office Telephone Number stationed in the office, Functional E-Mail Address, Functional Website

Availability of basic utilities water, energy

c. Staff

 Should have an overall manager [MD, CEO, GM] well versed in tourism trade [an individual who has been actively engaged in the business of packaged travel for at least three years], and with good communication skills

Should have a Tour Manager with a minimum of UACE [A Level] or its equivalent, additional certificates/trainings in Tourism and should be computer literate

Should have an accountant with a minimum qualification of Uganda Diploma in Business Studies or its equivalent

Reservations Officer and/or secretary and/or clerk; minimum level of UCE [O Level] and should be computer literate

At-least one tour guide by UTB after passing a Tour Guide’s exam

At-least one tour driver licensed by UTB

Tourist service providers shall have health deliverance guidelines and shall train their staff in health deliverance activities upon recruitment

d. Vehicles

  • Preferably, at-least two comprehensively insured tour vehicles registered in the company’s names, or proof of contracting supplier with the above tour vehicles
  • A tour operator shall ensure that the company has a health and safety policy, where accidents and emergency procedures are maintained and records are available for inspection; tourists are accommodated in approved accommodation establishments by the central local authority and dully registered to accommodate guests; tourists are served meals from approved establishments meeting hygienic conditions; and tourists are transported in approved tourist vehicles with comprehensive insurance.

e. Integrity

  • Not declared bankrupt
  • Not convicted of any fraudulent offense, especially against tourists/clients [No history of bankruptcy, fraud, or similar breaches for the last three years]

f. Advertising

Costed itineraries describing packages, prices, and other conditions applying to a contract, in respect of a package e.g. means of transport, accommodation type specifying degree of comfort, location of accommodation, meal plan, general information for visa requirements, health requirements, any tax or compulsory charges, deadlines for payments, time and place of intermediate stops and transport connections, spread of payments, etc

 Commitment to compensation in case the promised package and conditions are not provided by the tour operator

  • any tax or compulsory charge
  • all advertising should have the functional name, address, telephone and e-mail address of the tour operator

How much does it cost to register a small business?

DetailsCosts (Ugx. & US$)
Search Fees20,000/=
Certification of any company documents on the register30,000/=
Application to the registrar to dispense with the word limited50,000/=
Filing any application or form not expressly provided for under the Regulations to the Registrar under Companies Act50,000/=